Media: Pencil, Colored Pencil, and Marker.
I enjoy exaggeratting any type of body, I also wasn't in any type of mood, just restless.
This blog was specifically created for the rest if not all of my portfolio so far, and for prospective employers involving Visual Art for Games.
Hello, my name is Evelyn, or Evie-eee, Eve, etc...
As long as I answer you can call me what you will. I've created this blog because I am persuing a Video Game career (and won't stop advertising my self until and after I get one ;) ).
Nothing would make me happier than to have a job in Visual know the part right before the game is actually developed into into a computer.
Throughout the course of having this blog I will be posting up my art work in hopes of networking and snagging a few on-lookers as well.
So, enjoy the show folks!