Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Avatar review (X-BOX System)

Well, as far as gameplay goes for this one it's quite simple. Run around hit some stuff get some tokens or maybe some armor. This only really gets exicting if a wolf happens to be in your path of grabbing some candle wick for an old lady. Another that got my heart pumping faster one beat an hour is when an enemy showed up with fire...I throw wind, so that can't be too good. The concept on this one was good, graphics, good...gameplay L. A. M. E. .
But, I can't expect much when this is aimed mostly toward a younger generation. The developers should keep in mind that games like these are getting more and more in depth, as opposed to running around and throwing sticks and boomerangs', they might fall short on sales and marketing if they're looking to sell a product to the more inclined.
More and more youngsters are kicking ass in the game department, if these guys don't wake up soon they're going to be left in the dust.

This one is a snoozer..I give this a 5 out of 10, and I'm being nice.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Excite Truck review (Wii System)

Three words, I Love It!!!!
Yeah, the graphics look a tad simple compared to the PS3's "shiny" look, but this takes you on one helluva spin. It's amazing how much you appreciate the montioned sensored controller, you tilt right...the truck goes right!
I must be honest at first glance it doesn't look that "Exciting". But gameplay is awsome. I think Nintendo has struck a cord with these back to the basics games.

I give this a 9 out of 10. Run as fast as you can to buy this or play this in the nearest game store.

Comic Water

There's no particular reason for making this...or any of these for that matter. Mostly I"m just screwing around or just need to get something done that I've started.

Still accessories

These are my glasses, camera, and schrunii still life picture. It's like this b/c my cpu is off the short bus and didn't save in landscape position.